DATIG Meeting List has been removed; use DA Virtual Meeting list
As of November 1st, DATIG discontinued its list of DA internet and phone meetings. Instead, we are directing members to the DebtorsAnonymous.org Virtual Meeting list, which lists all video, phone and email DA meetings, and has the most current information sourced directly from meeting registrations and updates. Note the check box that lets you view the list converted to your own time zone.
No Pressure Relief Marathon in December, probably will occur in January
We are awaiting the exact date for the next Pressure Relief Marathon. Volunteers to give a PRM are always welcome. If you would like to be added to a list of volunteers to give or receive a Pressure Relief meeting at the next PR Marathon, you may email PRMarathonService@gmail.com to GIVE a Pressure Relief meeting; or email PRMarathon1@gmail.com to RECEIVE a Pressure Relief meeting.
Speaker List Available - please consider volunteering to be a Speaker
DATIG keeps an ongoing list of speakers across the globe who are willing to share their Experience, Strength, and Hope in DA and BDA. This list is updated annually. If you are a speaker-getter for your meeting, DA marathon, Share Day, or any other event; and/or if you would like to be on the speaker list, please email speakerchair@datig.net.
Assistance for new or struggling meetings
Does Your Meeting Need Support? Help is here. Sponsor-A-Group connects strong and well-resourced groups with those that are new or in need of additional support. Can Your Meeting Sponsor A Group? Find out ways your group can help carry the message to the suffering debtor in underserved regions of the United States. Downloadable flyer
For more information: https://debtorsanonymous.org/sponsor-a-group/
Sponsor-A-Group is a project of the Fellowship Communications Committee of DA's World Service.
Shared conference line available for phone meetings
DATIG has a conference line from Freeconferencecall.com available for use by DA phone meetings. The conference line offers international call-in numbers for many countries. Use of the shared line is on an opt-in basis – it is neither automatic nor required. If your meeting would like to move to the shared line, please email the Conference Moderator to make arrangements and reserve your time slot. Also, be sure to contact both the DATIG webmaster and the DA General Service Office, so that meeting lists may be updated.
Meeting formats can be posted on DATIG website
DATIG can host a copy of your meeting’s format on our website for the use of anyone chairing, as well as for safekeeping. We suggest you include an “as-of” date in the document, including in the file name, and that you review your format to remove any sensitive information such as passwords, host pins, or phone numbers before submitting. These documents will be public and show up in search engines. Each meeting is responsible for keeping its posted format up to date. Send updated versions to the DATIG webmaster.
All meetings: please send a representative to DATIG
Please consider electing a representative to attend DATIG meetings so we can more abundantly support the DA internet and phone meeting community. DA members who are not elected reps may also attend. See Service page for details.
Support articles for DA members and meeting leaders
For information on working DA by telephone, such as How to Have Pressure Relief Groups (PRGs) or Pressure Relief Meetings (PRMs) by Telephone, please visit Meetings/Meeting Support Articles.
Welcome to DATIG
Debtor's Anonymous Telephone/Internet Intergroup (DATIG) is made up of program volunteers, Intergroup Officers, and Intergroup Representatives from Debtors Anonymous telephone and internet meetings. We meet monthly to exchange information and vote on motions to support the Debtors Anonymous phone and internet fellowship and reach out to the addict who still suffers.
On this website you will find information all about Debtors Anonymous telephone and internet meetings. If you are new to Debtors Anonymous, view the Newcomers tab for help getting started. For a list of all the Debtors Anonymous telephone and internet meetings, view the Meeting Schedule. Under the Literature tab are all the basic literature readings of Debtors Anonymous, as well as Monthly Prayers and Recovery Stories.
We have found ways out of the pain and confusion caused by debting by participating in the Debtors Anonymous (D.A.) and Business Debtors Anonymous (B.D.A.) program.
The Debtors Anonymous Program
If you are having problems with money and debt and think that you may be a compulsive debtor, the D.A. program can help you. We hope you will find the friendship and understanding we have been privileged to enjoy.
No situation is hopeless. We too were lonely and frustrated, but in D.A. we have found a solution which leads to solvency and serenity. The program of D.A. is based on the suggested Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, which we try one day at a time to apply to our lives.
“The suggested Twelve Steps of Debtors Anonymous provide a foundation for living that forms the basis of our spiritual program. They are the principles that made possible our recovery from the insanity of compulsive debting. Working the Steps freed us from a life based on illusion. Our new way of life has brought us financial, emotional, and spritiual healing. We have found a new joy in living. We have received the gift of spiritual awakening. If you want what we have to offer and are willing to go to any lengths to obtain it, then you are ready to follow these Twelve Steps.”
– From the Twelve Steps of Debtors Anonymous pamphlet
Welcome and Keep Coming Back.
Phone & Internet Workshops/Events Announcements
The following information is provided as a service to the D.A. phone and internet meeting community. Unless otherwise noted, these events are not sponsored by DATIG so we are unable to answer questions about them. Event organizers, please email the webmaster on the Contact page if you would like to have your event listed here. No individual face-to-face meeting announcements please.
5:30-6:45pm Pacific / 6:30-7:45pm Mountain / 7:30-8:45pm Central / 8:30-9:45pm Eastern
Hosted by Musicians Monday Night BDA phone meeting - Welcoming all creatives, all freelancers and business owners, & all other DA members!
Please see the group's website for more details.
Daily calls are recorded and saved for future listening. Sponsored by the Step Study DA online meeting and #1426 phone meeting, as a fundraiser for sending their GSR to the DA World Service Conference. The step study restarts every two months, Jan Feb, Mar Apr, May Jun, Jul Aug, Sep Oct, Nov Dec each year. Visit https://www.stepsponsorda.com/ for more info. Please note: the Yahoo email address previously posted here is no longer in use. New daily call phone number as of 9/1/22 - (720) 708-1227, access code 5555416#. New number for listening to recordings: (605) 313-4101, access code 5555416#.
Sponsored by DA General Service Board or World Service Conference committees:
10-11:30 AM PACIFIC • 1-2:30 PM EASTERN • 6-7:30 PM GMT
THERE IS NOW ONE DEDICATED PHONE NUMBER FOR ALL FELLOWSHIP-WIDE CALLS (conference calls sponsored by DA's General Servce Board or World Service Conference committees). It is 605-472-5540, and the access code is 617093#. The dedicated international phone numbers, as well as online access info, can be found here: debtorsanonymous.org/call-in-access
PODCASTS Playback of the speaker portion of Fellowship-wide calls are available as podcasts on the D.A. website (when made available). Visit: debtorsanonymous.org/podcasts
CALENDAR OF FUTURE FELLOWSHIP-WIDE CALLS: debtorsanonymous.org/events-and-news
SUBSCRIBE TO DA'S eNEWS: To receive announcements of events sponsored by the DA General Service Board, many of which are held via phone conference, please subscribe to eNews at the top of the DebtorsAnonymous.org Events page.
Past Recorded Events
The following information is provided as a service to the D.A. phone meeting community. Unless otherwise noted, these recorded events were not sponsored by DATIG so we are unable to answer questions about them. Event organizers, please email the webmaster on the Contact page if you would like to have your DA recorded event listed here.
PODCASTS of Fellowship-wide Calls
Playback of the speaker portion of all Fellowship-wide calls are available as podcasts on the D.A. website (when made available). Visit: debtorsanonymous.org/podcasts
DA of Northern California has numerous speaker recordings from their events available for online listening. Access them here: https://www.norcalda.org/recordings
DA of Greater New York has numerous DA speaker recordings available for online listening, from past Share-a-Days and the DA 40th Anniversary celebration. Access the recordings here: danyc.org/recordings/recordings.htm
Tuesday DA & Health Issues telephone meeting has recordings of telephone workshops in which speakers shared their experience, strength, & hope on these DA topics:
From May 2023: "Living the DA Promises with Health Challenges" (3 speakers)
From April-May 2016: “Life on Life’s Terms” • “Self Care: It’s More than a Bubble Bath” • “Living the Promises"
To listen by phone or online: Visit the group's website: https://sites.google.com/view/dahealth/workshops-how-to
We use any donations to help send our GSR to the DA World Service Conference; suggested donation is $10 but any amount is greatly appreciated.
Sponsored by: Sedona into Action DA meeting (was DA/BDA meeting, now DA)
Fifteen audio recordings from past workshops, on individual steps and other topics.
To listen by phone: Visit the group's website for instructions: sites.google.com/site/bdasedonaworkshops/audio-recordings. A few workshops are also downloadable as MP3 files.
7th tradition donations are welcomed and will help send their GSR to the DA World Service Conference.