Debtors Anonymous Literature
Literature items are excellent tools to support your recovery and often in sponsorship and step work these resources are used. There are also meetings which read from the literature. Below is information about literature available for free download on the DATIG and Debtors Anonymous General Service Office website, as well as literature available for purchase from the Debtors Anonymous General Service Office.
Literature Available for Free
On DATIG website:
- The D.A. Preamble
- The 12 Steps
- The 12 Traditions
- The 12 Tools
- The 12 Concepts
- The 12 Signs
- The 12 Promises
- Recovery Stories
- D.A. Pamphlets - A.A. Literature, Anonymity, Business Meetings, General Service Office (GSO), General Service Representative (GSR), Service, and Sponsorship.
- D.A. Service Manuals - The Treasurer's Manual, Guide to Special Events, How to Start a D.A. Intergroup, 12 Signs Posters, How to Keep Your Meeting Alive, Group Inventory: All Shapes and Sizes, Conference-Approved Literature at Meetings: Assuring Our Unity.
On the Debtors Anonymous General Service Office website:
- “Ways & Means” - Quarterly Newsletter for the Fellowship of Debtors Anonymous.
- “The D.A. Focus” - Quarterly World Service Newsletter for the Fellowship of Debtors Anonymous.
- Events and News
- eNews List - Click "Subscribe to eNews" at the top of any page on
Literature Available for Purchase
The General Service Board (GSB) of Debtors Anonymous is pleased to announce that most of the Fellowship's English-language pamphlets previously available only in paper format are now available for electronic download. Fellows can choose to purchase any of 17 individual pamphlets for 99 cents each; the Debtors Anonymous Newcomers packet and BDA newcomers packet for $4.95; and all seventeen pamphlets collected together for $9.99. The electronic versions can be downloaded to desktops, laptops, tablets, or smart phones.
To access these pamphlets or order the Fellowship's two books in either paperback or electronic format, please go to
All Debtors Anonymous (D.A.) literature is available to order in the Catalog of Conference-Approved Literature on the Debtors Anonymous General Service Office website.
DATIG does not offer literature directly. To order literature you will submit requests following these guidelines:.
- Download and Print the Literature Order Form from the Order Literature page at
- Carefully complete your order form by filling in the items you want to order. The title, prices, and order numbers for each item are listed under each literature category. Please write clearly.
- For shipping rates to Canada and other non-U.S. destinations, contact the General Service Office as noted on page 2 of the order form.
- All funds must be drawn on U.S. banks only. Please, no cash or C.O.D. orders. All orders must be prepaid by check, money order or traveler's check, payable to D.A.-GSB.
Please mail payment with order form to:
Debtors Anonymous/Literature Order
P.O. Box 920888
Needham, MA 02492-0009
Literature Approval Process
At the World Service Conference, the WSC Literature Committee proposes a concept for new or revised literature, along with suggested mediums, and makes a motion for approval of that concept at Convocation. Read about the entire D.A. Literature Approval Process.